Favorites of 2009
1. Hall of Fame (artists with multiple releases)
Barwick, Juliana
Broderick, Peter
Ferraro, James
Hatakeyama, Chihei
King Midas Sound
Lucky Dragon
Nite Jewel
Orsi, Fabio
Sun Araw
2. Specific Releases
24-Carat Black Gone: The Promises of Yesterday [LP]
39 Clocks Zoned
A Broken Consort Box of Birch
Arborea House of Sticks
Baird, Meg Live at Dublab podcast
Bednarck, Tomasz Let's Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow
Bird Names Sings The Browns
Blithe Sons The Great Orthochromatic Wheel
Blues Control
Caretaker Persistent Repetition Of Phrases
Coathangers Scramble
Collins, William Fowler Perdition Hill Radio
Cotton Candy Fantastic & Spectacular 45
Cowley, Patrick & Jorge Socarras Catholic
Crutchfield, Robin The Hidden Folk
Dakota Suite The Night Just Keeps Coming In
Dam Funk Toeachizown (CD Version)
Dark Sunny Land Kon Taan Kor
Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words Lost In Reflections
Diane, Alela To Be Still
DJ Rupture & Matt Shadetek Solar Life Raft
Dum Dum Girls various
Exusamwa Please Allow Me to Induce Myself
Fields, Lee & The Expressions My World
Flower-Corsano Duo Four Aims
Gibbs', Melvin Elevated Entity Ancients Speak
Hawley, Richard Truelove's Gutter
Hornet Leg Ribbon Of Fear
Horrors Whole New Way (single)
Hush Arbors Under Bent Limb Trees
In Flagranti Brash & Vulgar
Insayngel Insayngel|
Intrusion The Seduction Of Silence
King Cannibal Let The Night Roar
Kuupuu Luhmen Tahden
Lambchop Live at XX Merge
Lauten, Elodie Death of Don Juan
Lightning Bolt Earthly Delights
Little Claw Human Taste
Many Mansions Holy Mountain Life Adventure Club
Martin, Aaron Chautauqua
Meercaz Meercaz
Mi & L'Au Good Morning Jokers
Moderat Moderat
Mokira Persona
Mos Def The Ecstatic
Mountains Choral
Murray, Brendan Brendan Murray
Naked On The Vague The Blood Pressure Sessions
Nite-Liters A-Nal-Y-Sis
Old Furnace Hidden Hills
O'Neil, Tara Jane A Way Aways
Papercuts You Can Have What You Want
Pearl Harbor Something About the Chaparrals
Pens Hey Friend! What You Doing
Pet Shop Boys Yes
Prince Rama of Ayodhya Devotional Demo
Reigns The House On The Causeway
Reports Live at WHRB
Reynolds, Ben How Day Earnt Its Night
Riceboy Sleeps Riceboy Sleeps
Robinson, Mark Mark E. Superstar (CDR reissue)
Smith, Utah et al I Got Two Wings (Companion CD)
Tempera s/t
These Are Powers All Aboard Future
Tomutonttu Tomutonttu
tUnE-YaRdS BiRd-BrAiNs
Turner, Simon Fisher 2009 • Music From Films You Should Have Seen
Units The Early Years of the Units 1977-1983
Van Wey, Brock White Clouds Drift On And On [Disc 2]
Various Spacial French Disco 1975-79 Volume 1
Various Fire In My Bones: Raw Rare + Otherwordly African-American Gospel (1944-2007)
Various Yeti 7
Various Tumbélé! Biguine, Afro & Latin Sounds - French Caribbean 1963-73
Various Domino Sound 024 A Orillas Del Magdalena - Coastal Cumbias from Colombia's Discos Fuentes
Various Dirt Beneath The Daydream
Various Migrating Bird - The Songs Of Lal Waterson
Various Africa Boogaloo: The Latinazation Of West Africa
Various Snatch Tapes
Various Black Rio 2: Original Samba Soul 1971 - 1979 (Compiled By DJ Cliffy)
Various Spacial French Disco 1975-79 Volume 1
Various The BYG Deal
Walker, Peter Long Lost Tapes
Washed Out Life of Leisure
Welch, Matthew Luminosity
White Hills Live @ WMBR
Wussy Wussy & Live @ WMBR
Zelienople Give It Up
Zomby Where Were U In '92?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Take the Annual WMBR Music Director Poll
1. Favorite release?
2. Favorite song?
3. Favorite title of album or song?
4. Dumbest title of album or song?
5. Most overrated release or band (Correct Answer – Passion Pit)?
6. Most disappointing release?
7. Favorite Reissue?
8. Most questionable reissue
9. Over/under on # of additional years Animal Collective will continue to inhabit zeitgeist?
10. Favorite background music?
11. Best song on worst album?
12. Favorite Band of the Week on BoC (Correct Answer: Lydia Lunch)?
13. Wimpiest song played by Keith Sawyer (pick only one Innocence Mission-related song)?
14. Band that should be Band of the Week on BoC?
15. Worst band web site?
16. Favorite older release discovered in the record library?
17. Best station purchase?
18. Most pointless station purchase? (No wrong answers except possibly “all of them”)
19. Artist most deserving of retirement (Possible answer – Morrissey)
20. Least Annoying UK Female Vocalist Inspired by Kate Bush (aka Bat for Lashes v. Florence v. Lily Allen v…..) ?
21. Best remix?
22. Who is more cloying: Bon Iver, Grizzly Bear, Monster of Folk, or Fleet Foxes?
23. Most annoying musical subgenre: dubstep or drone metal (eg Sun O)))))?
24. Best musical video, film, show, etc.?
26. Favorite music blog?
27. What is the difference between dubstep and grime?
28. Favorite Reunion? (Note: Mission of Burma no longer qualifies)
29. Favorite (non-WMBR) live performance?
30. Most boring live performance?
31. Worst song heard on Subject to Change (limit yourself to one!)
32. Favorite live performance @ WMBR (Correct Answer – White Hills)?
33. Most overexposed (non-wmbr) music personality?
34. Boston Band most deserving of Merge Records compilation
35. Stupidest lyric?
36. Most embarrassing DJ moment (by you or someone else)?
37. Worst Song of the Week on Late Risers Club?
38. Most anticipated release/leak for 2010?
39. Best IM received while DJ’ing?
40. Favorite cover song?
41. Worst cover song?
42. Favorite cover art?
43. Silliest cover art?
44. Make up own category and answer it:
45. Match the Nu Gaze band with appropriate Shoegaze band
a. A Sunny Day in Glasgow
b. Cymbals Eat Guitars
c. A Place to Bury Strangers
d. School of Seven Bells
i. My Bloody Valentine
ii. Slowdive
iii. Chapterhouse
iv. Swervedriver
46. Number of questions so far that are worthless?
2. Favorite song?
3. Favorite title of album or song?
4. Dumbest title of album or song?
5. Most overrated release or band (Correct Answer – Passion Pit)?
6. Most disappointing release?
7. Favorite Reissue?
8. Most questionable reissue
9. Over/under on # of additional years Animal Collective will continue to inhabit zeitgeist?
10. Favorite background music?
11. Best song on worst album?
12. Favorite Band of the Week on BoC (Correct Answer: Lydia Lunch)?
13. Wimpiest song played by Keith Sawyer (pick only one Innocence Mission-related song)?
14. Band that should be Band of the Week on BoC?
15. Worst band web site?
16. Favorite older release discovered in the record library?
17. Best station purchase?
18. Most pointless station purchase? (No wrong answers except possibly “all of them”)
19. Artist most deserving of retirement (Possible answer – Morrissey)
20. Least Annoying UK Female Vocalist Inspired by Kate Bush (aka Bat for Lashes v. Florence v. Lily Allen v…..) ?
21. Best remix?
22. Who is more cloying: Bon Iver, Grizzly Bear, Monster of Folk, or Fleet Foxes?
23. Most annoying musical subgenre: dubstep or drone metal (eg Sun O)))))?
24. Best musical video, film, show, etc.?
26. Favorite music blog?
27. What is the difference between dubstep and grime?
28. Favorite Reunion? (Note: Mission of Burma no longer qualifies)
29. Favorite (non-WMBR) live performance?
30. Most boring live performance?
31. Worst song heard on Subject to Change (limit yourself to one!)
32. Favorite live performance @ WMBR (Correct Answer – White Hills)?
33. Most overexposed (non-wmbr) music personality?
34. Boston Band most deserving of Merge Records compilation
35. Stupidest lyric?
36. Most embarrassing DJ moment (by you or someone else)?
37. Worst Song of the Week on Late Risers Club?
38. Most anticipated release/leak for 2010?
39. Best IM received while DJ’ing?
40. Favorite cover song?
41. Worst cover song?
42. Favorite cover art?
43. Silliest cover art?
44. Make up own category and answer it:
45. Match the Nu Gaze band with appropriate Shoegaze band
a. A Sunny Day in Glasgow
b. Cymbals Eat Guitars
c. A Place to Bury Strangers
d. School of Seven Bells
i. My Bloody Valentine
ii. Slowdive
iii. Chapterhouse
iv. Swervedriver
46. Number of questions so far that are worthless?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The iPod Shuffle Kerfuffle (Joan v. Patrick)
Set 1
Kinks | Starstruck (Joan)
Diane Cluck | I Liked You As Soon As I Saw You | Macy's Day Bird | Important (Patrick)
Set 2
Houston Jones | Cowards Game (Joan)
Human Greed | Invocation (Patrick)
Set 3
Laura Marling | Failure (Joan)
Scala | Spread Your Wings & Fly | Compass | Touch (Patrick)
Set 4
Can Kickers | Bile Them Cabbage (Joan)
Marisa | Viagem (Patrick)
Set 5
Another Pretty Face | All the Boys Love Keri (Joan)
Mr. Bloe | Groovin with Mr. Bloe (Patrick)
Set 6
Amy Winehouse (Joan)
Minister Squid | Tentacle Difficulties | Battle of Neptune (Patrick)
Set 7
Rupa & the April Fishes | Poder (Joan)
Manilla | Bert | 4-Piece EP (Patrick)
Kinks | Starstruck (Joan)
Diane Cluck | I Liked You As Soon As I Saw You | Macy's Day Bird | Important (Patrick)
Set 2
Houston Jones | Cowards Game (Joan)
Human Greed | Invocation (Patrick)
Set 3
Laura Marling | Failure (Joan)
Scala | Spread Your Wings & Fly | Compass | Touch (Patrick)
Set 4
Can Kickers | Bile Them Cabbage (Joan)
Marisa | Viagem (Patrick)
Set 5
Another Pretty Face | All the Boys Love Keri (Joan)
Mr. Bloe | Groovin with Mr. Bloe (Patrick)
Set 6
Amy Winehouse (Joan)
Minister Squid | Tentacle Difficulties | Battle of Neptune (Patrick)
Set 7
Rupa & the April Fishes | Poder (Joan)
Manilla | Bert | 4-Piece EP (Patrick)
Saturday, May 16, 2009 (Jonny Cohen Live, Precorded Stylee)
Set 1
Dump | 1999 | That Skinny MoFo with the High Voice? | Shrimper
Willie Rosario | Calypso Blues | Boogaloo Pow Pow | Honest Jons
Protesta | Dife Nous Ka Lime | 77 | DEBS Intl
Elza Soares | Saltei de Banda | Elze Pede Passegem
Cook County | State Street Samba (excerpt) | Pinball Playboy (Pinball Theme)
Harappian Night Recordings | Lila Derderba | The Glorious Gongs of Hainuwele | Bo'Weavil
Rockers International Band | Look Within Dub | Augustus Pablo Presents Eastman Dub | RAS
Background Music: Enoch Light & the Light Brigade | Big Hits of the 70's Vol. II | Project 3
Set 2
Insayngel | Dig Your Heels | Insayngel | Heavy Tapes (Thanks to Chris L. of A Whale of a Label/WVVY's Bad Vibrations)
Reports | Attleboro Trailers | Ride the Snakes 7"
Karl's Empty Body | 1964 | Snatch Paste | Vinyl-on-Demand
International Exiles | Let's Be Sophisticated | Missing Link Story | Glass Corp.
Vaselines | Lovecraft | Enter the Vaselines | Sub Pop
Bishop Terry Ellis | Up Above My Head | In Times Like These ... | Mississippi
Somerville Speakout Music: Burt Best Plays Kaempfert
Set 3
Jonny Cohen Recorded Live for WMBR
Let's Pretend
Marine Boy
Santa Claus
Catfish & Carp
The Snakehead Fish
Bad Driver
Headless Heroes | True Love Finds You In the End | The Silence of Love | Worlds Fair
Barn Owl | Voice of the Other | From Our Mouths A Perpetual Light | Digitalis
Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words | What I Wouldnt Give To Feel Alive | "Lost In Reflections" | Killer Pimp
Pet Shop Boys | King of Rome | Yes | Astralwerks
Dump | 1999 | That Skinny MoFo with the High Voice? | Shrimper
Willie Rosario | Calypso Blues | Boogaloo Pow Pow | Honest Jons
Protesta | Dife Nous Ka Lime | 77 | DEBS Intl
Elza Soares | Saltei de Banda | Elze Pede Passegem
Cook County | State Street Samba (excerpt) | Pinball Playboy (Pinball Theme)
Harappian Night Recordings | Lila Derderba | The Glorious Gongs of Hainuwele | Bo'Weavil
Rockers International Band | Look Within Dub | Augustus Pablo Presents Eastman Dub | RAS
Background Music: Enoch Light & the Light Brigade | Big Hits of the 70's Vol. II | Project 3
Set 2
Insayngel | Dig Your Heels | Insayngel | Heavy Tapes (Thanks to Chris L. of A Whale of a Label/WVVY's Bad Vibrations)
Reports | Attleboro Trailers | Ride the Snakes 7"
Karl's Empty Body | 1964 | Snatch Paste | Vinyl-on-Demand
International Exiles | Let's Be Sophisticated | Missing Link Story | Glass Corp.
Vaselines | Lovecraft | Enter the Vaselines | Sub Pop
Bishop Terry Ellis | Up Above My Head | In Times Like These ... | Mississippi
Somerville Speakout Music: Burt Best Plays Kaempfert
Set 3
Jonny Cohen Recorded Live for WMBR
Let's Pretend
Marine Boy
Santa Claus
Catfish & Carp
The Snakehead Fish
Bad Driver
Headless Heroes | True Love Finds You In the End | The Silence of Love | Worlds Fair
Barn Owl | Voice of the Other | From Our Mouths A Perpetual Light | Digitalis
Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words | What I Wouldnt Give To Feel Alive | "Lost In Reflections" | Killer Pimp
Pet Shop Boys | King of Rome | Yes | Astralwerks
Saturday, May 09, 2009
My Random Shuffle Is Better Than Your Mp3 Player (Vice v. Kaminsky) KAMINSKY WINS
The Intercontinental's Jesse Kaminsky v. Thursday Lost & Found's Christopher Vyce.
KAMINSKY is crowned the winner. He gets to pillage Vyce's record collection
Round 1
Ike & Tina Turner | Give Me Your Love (Jesse)
The Association | Cherish | A Lifetime of Romance (Christopher)
Round 2
Tinariwen | Chatma | Dr. Delay (Jesse)
Galaxie 500 | Flowers | Today | Rough Trade (Christopher)
Round 3
Tropa Colombiana | Bonita (Jesse)
Aretha Frankin | Money Won't Change You (Christopher)
Round 4
Free-For-All | Show Me The Way | Wylde Canada (Jesse)
Betty LaVette | I Feel Good All Over (Christopher)
Round 5
Dzikusu | Nie Bede z Toba (Jesse)
Beatles | I Want To Tell You (Christopher)
Round 6
La Tropa Colombiana | Yo Bailo Solo (Jesse)
Paul Young | Tender Trap (Christopher)
Round 7
Sin Sisamouth | Jet Bong Sopheap Borros (Jesse)
Johnny Caroll | Wild Wild Women (Christopher)
KAMINSKY is crowned the winner. He gets to pillage Vyce's record collection
Round 1
Ike & Tina Turner | Give Me Your Love (Jesse)
The Association | Cherish | A Lifetime of Romance (Christopher)
Round 2
Tinariwen | Chatma | Dr. Delay (Jesse)
Galaxie 500 | Flowers | Today | Rough Trade (Christopher)
Round 3
Tropa Colombiana | Bonita (Jesse)
Aretha Frankin | Money Won't Change You (Christopher)
Round 4
Free-For-All | Show Me The Way | Wylde Canada (Jesse)
Betty LaVette | I Feel Good All Over (Christopher)
Round 5
Dzikusu | Nie Bede z Toba (Jesse)
Beatles | I Want To Tell You (Christopher)
Round 6
La Tropa Colombiana | Yo Bailo Solo (Jesse)
Paul Young | Tender Trap (Christopher)
Round 7
Sin Sisamouth | Jet Bong Sopheap Borros (Jesse)
Johnny Caroll | Wild Wild Women (Christopher)
Saturday, May 9, 2009 (You're Stress Testing Me Out!)
Set 1
In Flagranti | Black & White Trousers | Brash & Vulgar | emusic.com
Armando | Land of Confusion | Trax Classix | Trax/emusic.com
Buari | I'm Ready | Disco Soccer | Makossa
Orlando Julius | Disco Hi-Life (original version) | Disco Hi-Life | emusic.com
Elmore Judd | Air Makes My Day | Unborn Again | Honest Jons/emusic.com
Martyn & 2562 | Yet | Tectonic 12"/emusic.com
Imagination | So Good So Right | Night Dubbing | RedBus
Set 2
Pet Shop Boys | Did You See Me Coming? | Yes | Astralwerks
In Flagranti | Pick A Trick | Brash & Vulgar | emusic.com
Electric Guitars | Work | Work | Bristol Archives/emusic.com
Alma Brasileira | Tirando Onda | s/t | WEA
Staff Benda Bilili | Avramandole | Tres Tres Fort | Crammed
Slickers w/ Lee Perry | Run On | Breakthrough | youandmeonajamboree.blogspot.com
Somerville Speakout Music: Burt Best Band | Burt Best Plays Kaempfert | International Artists
Set 3
Michael Chapman | Fahey's Flag | Live @ WFMU | freemusicarchive.com
Seigen Ono | Carnation | Commes Des Garcons Vol. 2
Harry DeWit | Napoleon: Waves | Tumult | ??
Maria Creuza | Minha Namorada | Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar | BGE Discos
Elfin Saddle | Running Sheep | Ringing for the Begin Again | Constellation
Concert Report Music: The Original Trinidad Steel Band | s/t | Karussell
Set 4
Cotton Candy | Fantastic & Spectacular | Teenbeat 7"
Babylon System | Get On Up |
Thomas Mapfumo | Chengeta Va Bareki | Hokoyo! | Water
Huon | 555 Recordings
In Flagranti | Black & White Trousers | Brash & Vulgar | emusic.com
Armando | Land of Confusion | Trax Classix | Trax/emusic.com
Buari | I'm Ready | Disco Soccer | Makossa
Orlando Julius | Disco Hi-Life (original version) | Disco Hi-Life | emusic.com
Elmore Judd | Air Makes My Day | Unborn Again | Honest Jons/emusic.com
Martyn & 2562 | Yet | Tectonic 12"/emusic.com
Imagination | So Good So Right | Night Dubbing | RedBus
Set 2
Pet Shop Boys | Did You See Me Coming? | Yes | Astralwerks
In Flagranti | Pick A Trick | Brash & Vulgar | emusic.com
Electric Guitars | Work | Work | Bristol Archives/emusic.com
Alma Brasileira | Tirando Onda | s/t | WEA
Staff Benda Bilili | Avramandole | Tres Tres Fort | Crammed
Slickers w/ Lee Perry | Run On | Breakthrough | youandmeonajamboree.blogspot.com
Somerville Speakout Music: Burt Best Band | Burt Best Plays Kaempfert | International Artists
Set 3
Michael Chapman | Fahey's Flag | Live @ WFMU | freemusicarchive.com
Seigen Ono | Carnation | Commes Des Garcons Vol. 2
Harry DeWit | Napoleon: Waves | Tumult | ??
Maria Creuza | Minha Namorada | Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar | BGE Discos
Elfin Saddle | Running Sheep | Ringing for the Begin Again | Constellation
Concert Report Music: The Original Trinidad Steel Band | s/t | Karussell
Set 4
Cotton Candy | Fantastic & Spectacular | Teenbeat 7"
Babylon System | Get On Up |
Thomas Mapfumo | Chengeta Va Bareki | Hokoyo! | Water
Huon | 555 Recordings
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009 (Wearing My Boogie Woogie Wooden Shoes)
Set 1
Phil Philips | Evil Dope | Best of Swamp Pop Classics | emusic.com
Love Joys & Philip James | It Ain't Easy | Wackie's/emusic.com
Johnny Hammond Smith | Yesterday Was Cool | Gambler's Life | CTI
Francis Lai | Le Chat Et La Souris (Abel Edit) | Lovefingers.org
Vangelis | La Fete Sauvage II (excerpt) | La Fete Sauvage | RCA
Space | Final Signal | Just Blue | Vogue/ Casablanca
Defacto | Agua Mineral | How Do You Dub? You Fight For Dub. You Plug Dub In | emusic.com
Background music: Various | Wonderland by Night | Readers Digest
Set 2
The Athenians | Night in the City | An International Evening With | Contour
Le Slow featuring Sophy Cherie | A Moral Tale | Ze 7"
Thieves Like Us | Desire | Play Music | Seayou Records
Test Dept | Shockwave | Bat Cave
Vangelis | La Fete Sauvage II, pt 2 (excerpt) | La Fete Sauvage | RCA
Somerville Speakout music: The Burt Best Band | Burt Best Plays Kaempfert | International Artists Society
Set 3
Tara Jane O'Neil | BiWa | A Way Aways | K
Rapoon | Glacial Danube | Time Frost | emusic.com
Hildur Gudnattoir | Iridescence | Touch
Victoire | A Door Into the Dark | A Door Into the Dark | emusic.com
Concert Report Music: The Original Trinidad Steel Band | Karussel
Set 4
Years | The Assassination of Dow Jones | Years | Arts & Crafts
Julie Doiron | Heavy Snow | 7"
Jane Birkin | Black & White 7"
Felix Kubin | The Rhythm Modulator (con't) | The Wire Tapper 21 | The Wire
Set 5
?? | ?? | Indonesian Raja | Fontana Special
Phil Philips | Evil Dope | Best of Swamp Pop Classics | emusic.com
Love Joys & Philip James | It Ain't Easy | Wackie's/emusic.com
Johnny Hammond Smith | Yesterday Was Cool | Gambler's Life | CTI
Francis Lai | Le Chat Et La Souris (Abel Edit) | Lovefingers.org
Vangelis | La Fete Sauvage II (excerpt) | La Fete Sauvage | RCA
Space | Final Signal | Just Blue | Vogue/ Casablanca
Defacto | Agua Mineral | How Do You Dub? You Fight For Dub. You Plug Dub In | emusic.com
Background music: Various | Wonderland by Night | Readers Digest
Set 2
The Athenians | Night in the City | An International Evening With | Contour
Le Slow featuring Sophy Cherie | A Moral Tale | Ze 7"
Thieves Like Us | Desire | Play Music | Seayou Records
Test Dept | Shockwave | Bat Cave
Vangelis | La Fete Sauvage II, pt 2 (excerpt) | La Fete Sauvage | RCA
Somerville Speakout music: The Burt Best Band | Burt Best Plays Kaempfert | International Artists Society
Set 3
Tara Jane O'Neil | BiWa | A Way Aways | K
Rapoon | Glacial Danube | Time Frost | emusic.com
Hildur Gudnattoir | Iridescence | Touch
Victoire | A Door Into the Dark | A Door Into the Dark | emusic.com
Concert Report Music: The Original Trinidad Steel Band | Karussel
Set 4
Years | The Assassination of Dow Jones | Years | Arts & Crafts
Julie Doiron | Heavy Snow | 7"
Jane Birkin | Black & White 7"
Felix Kubin | The Rhythm Modulator (con't) | The Wire Tapper 21 | The Wire
Set 5
?? | ?? | Indonesian Raja | Fontana Special
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009 (Tax This!)
Set 1
Air Power | Be Yourself 12"
Ted Taylor | Ghetto Disco (pt 2) | TK 12"
B.T. Express | Shake It Off | Shout! | Columbia
Fast Eddie featuring Sundance | Get Up | Hip House | D.J. International
Sonido Del Principe | Pesebre | http://blip.fm/generationbass
Love Card | Black Girl | Wackie's/emusic.com
Background Music: 101 Strings Orchestra | Space Themes | Alshire
Set 2
Medical Mission Sisters | The Visit | Knock Knock | Avant Garde
Nao Babayof | Marching Band | From A Window To A Wall
The Chosen Gospel Singers | Ananais | The Lifeboard | Specialty
Garden State Choir | When He Calls My Name | "In" Time | Atlantic
Andy Kim | You Got Style | How'd We Ever Get This Way | Steed
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Dancing in Wonderland | Decca
Set 3
Transmission | Fireball | Transmission | Radium
Ravi Shankar | Raga | Chappaqua | Columbia
The Present | Symbols on High | World I See | LOAF
Concert Report Music: Pedrito Altieri & His Steel Band | Morvern
Set 4
Gudrun Gut | Apples & Pears | Monika /emusic.com
Liverpool | Agua Branca | Por Favor Sucesso | Shadoks
White/Light | Discipline | Black Acts
Joey Casio | Share the Cup | K Recs 7"
Air Power | Be Yourself 12"
Ted Taylor | Ghetto Disco (pt 2) | TK 12"
B.T. Express | Shake It Off | Shout! | Columbia
Fast Eddie featuring Sundance | Get Up | Hip House | D.J. International
Sonido Del Principe | Pesebre | http://blip.fm/generationbass
Love Card | Black Girl | Wackie's/emusic.com
Background Music: 101 Strings Orchestra | Space Themes | Alshire
Set 2
Medical Mission Sisters | The Visit | Knock Knock | Avant Garde
Nao Babayof | Marching Band | From A Window To A Wall
The Chosen Gospel Singers | Ananais | The Lifeboard | Specialty
Garden State Choir | When He Calls My Name | "In" Time | Atlantic
Andy Kim | You Got Style | How'd We Ever Get This Way | Steed
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Dancing in Wonderland | Decca
Set 3
Transmission | Fireball | Transmission | Radium
Ravi Shankar | Raga | Chappaqua | Columbia
The Present | Symbols on High | World I See | LOAF
Concert Report Music: Pedrito Altieri & His Steel Band | Morvern
Set 4
Gudrun Gut | Apples & Pears | Monika /emusic.com
Liverpool | Agua Branca | Por Favor Sucesso | Shadoks
White/Light | Discipline | Black Acts
Joey Casio | Share the Cup | K Recs 7"
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009 (Now Backed a Federal Warranty)
Set 1
Little Scotty | Going To A Disco To-Night | Queen Constance 12"/emusic.com
Voices of East Harlem | Can You Feel It (pt II) | Can You Feel It | Just Sunshine
Webster Lewis | Love Is The Way | On the Town | Epic
Ben Sidran | And Now I Live (And Now My Life Is Done) | Puttin' In Time On Planet Earth | Blue Thumb
Background Music: Lonnie Liston Smith | Space Lady | The Cosmic Echoes: Renaissance | RCA
Set 2
Dengue Fever | Sleepwalking Through the Mekong | Sleepwalking Through the Mekong | M80
Alela Diane | The Alder Trees | To Be Still | Rough Trade
Kurt Vile | My Sympathy | God Is Saying This To You... | Mexico Summer/Kemado
Joe Brooks & Rosko | Girl From the Bay Country | Morning | Metromedia
Matteah Baim | Big Cat | Laughing Boy | FatCat
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Set 3
MV/EE | You Matter, Sometimes | Open Strings | Honest Jons
Peter Walker | City Pulse | Long Lost Tapes 1970 | Tompkins Square
Bewitched | Junket | Speed Dating | No. 6/Teenbeat
DJ Orion | Ritmo De Juventud | neogrphonic.com
Shearing Pinx | Knife Fall | "Ultra Snake" |
Chi Boogie | DJz Playing Huff | Juke Trax Online Vol. 14 | emusic.com
MC Lyte | Rhyme Hangover | Eyes On This | First Priority/Atlantic
Concert Report Music: Pedrito Altieri & Su Banda De Acero | Morvern
Set 4
Butte County Free Music Society
Handglops | Throwing A Party | Gulcher
Sheik Anorak/Weasal Walter Duo | Silver | The Wire Tapper 21 | thewire.co.uk
Background Music: Xavier Cugat | Cugat Plays Continental Hits | Mercury
Set 5
African Brothers Band | Agatha | Agatha
Little Scotty | Going To A Disco To-Night | Queen Constance 12"/emusic.com
Voices of East Harlem | Can You Feel It (pt II) | Can You Feel It | Just Sunshine
Webster Lewis | Love Is The Way | On the Town | Epic
Ben Sidran | And Now I Live (And Now My Life Is Done) | Puttin' In Time On Planet Earth | Blue Thumb
Background Music: Lonnie Liston Smith | Space Lady | The Cosmic Echoes: Renaissance | RCA
Set 2
Dengue Fever | Sleepwalking Through the Mekong | Sleepwalking Through the Mekong | M80
Alela Diane | The Alder Trees | To Be Still | Rough Trade
Kurt Vile | My Sympathy | God Is Saying This To You... | Mexico Summer/Kemado
Joe Brooks & Rosko | Girl From the Bay Country | Morning | Metromedia
Matteah Baim | Big Cat | Laughing Boy | FatCat
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Set 3
MV/EE | You Matter, Sometimes | Open Strings | Honest Jons
Peter Walker | City Pulse | Long Lost Tapes 1970 | Tompkins Square
Bewitched | Junket | Speed Dating | No. 6/Teenbeat
DJ Orion | Ritmo De Juventud | neogrphonic.com
Shearing Pinx | Knife Fall | "Ultra Snake" |
Chi Boogie | DJz Playing Huff | Juke Trax Online Vol. 14 | emusic.com
MC Lyte | Rhyme Hangover | Eyes On This | First Priority/Atlantic
Concert Report Music: Pedrito Altieri & Su Banda De Acero | Morvern
Set 4
Butte County Free Music Society
Handglops | Throwing A Party | Gulcher
Sheik Anorak/Weasal Walter Duo | Silver | The Wire Tapper 21 | thewire.co.uk
Background Music: Xavier Cugat | Cugat Plays Continental Hits | Mercury
Set 5
African Brothers Band | Agatha | Agatha
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Saturday, March 27, 2009 (Kaitlin Hostage Edition)
Set 1
Scales & Arpeggios | The Aristocats soundtrack | Disneyland
Theodore Bikel | I Love My Dog | A New Day | Reprise
Eddie Bo | If It's Good To You | New Orleans Funk | Soul Jazz
El Coco | Cocomotion (pt II) | Cocomotion | AVI
Mantus | (Dance It) "Freedom Rhythm" | SMI
Set 2
Fannypack | The Pause | Ghetto Bootleg | TommyBoy
Ghislain Poirer | Karnival | Soca Sound System | emusic.com
Chi Boogie | 1, 2, 3, 4 | Juke Trax Online Vol. 14 | emusic.com
Horsepower Productions | Damn It | emusic.com
Mungo's Hi Fi | Babylon | emusic.com
Background Music: Phil Upchurch | Strawberry Letter 23 | s/t | Marlin
Set 3
Nite Jewel | excerpt from dublab.com
League of Nations | Thin Ice |
Michael Rother | KlangKoerper | Fernwarme | Water
Bonobo | Recurring (Mice Parade Remix) | emusic.com
Flin Flon | Linkletter (Version) | Et Cetera | Teenbeat/emusic.com
Coathangers | 143 | Scramble | Suicide Squeeze
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Flashback edition: March 28, 2008
Set 4
Robedoor | Plague of Settlers | Hunted Gathering | Digitalis/emusic.com
Hermine | Anything | Lonely At the Top | LTM
Twin Tides | Stereotypes 2 | I Recall | Thistledew
Set 5
Bukka White | Columbus, Mississippi Blues | Arhoolie
Danny Gugliemi | AEIOU | Adventure in Sound
Scales & Arpeggios | The Aristocats soundtrack | Disneyland
Theodore Bikel | I Love My Dog | A New Day | Reprise
Eddie Bo | If It's Good To You | New Orleans Funk | Soul Jazz
El Coco | Cocomotion (pt II) | Cocomotion | AVI
Mantus | (Dance It) "Freedom Rhythm" | SMI
Set 2
Fannypack | The Pause | Ghetto Bootleg | TommyBoy
Ghislain Poirer | Karnival | Soca Sound System | emusic.com
Chi Boogie | 1, 2, 3, 4 | Juke Trax Online Vol. 14 | emusic.com
Horsepower Productions | Damn It | emusic.com
Mungo's Hi Fi | Babylon | emusic.com
Background Music: Phil Upchurch | Strawberry Letter 23 | s/t | Marlin
Set 3
Nite Jewel | excerpt from dublab.com
League of Nations | Thin Ice |
Michael Rother | KlangKoerper | Fernwarme | Water
Bonobo | Recurring (Mice Parade Remix) | emusic.com
Flin Flon | Linkletter (Version) | Et Cetera | Teenbeat/emusic.com
Coathangers | 143 | Scramble | Suicide Squeeze
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Flashback edition: March 28, 2008
Set 4
Robedoor | Plague of Settlers | Hunted Gathering | Digitalis/emusic.com
Hermine | Anything | Lonely At the Top | LTM
Twin Tides | Stereotypes 2 | I Recall | Thistledew
Set 5
Bukka White | Columbus, Mississippi Blues | Arhoolie
Danny Gugliemi | AEIOU | Adventure in Sound
Saturday, March 21, 2009
March 21, 2009 (If You Think I'm Jorge, Come On baby Let Me Know)
Set 1
Banda Los Hijos De La Nina Luz | El Sapo/Crees Que Soy Sexy | Soundway 7"
Los Montuneros y Bimbi y Su Trio Oriental | Cuido ... Con Los Callos | A Bailar La Conga | emusic.com
Okyerema Asante | Play A Little Sweet Rhythm On Them Drums | Drum Message | myfavouritesound.wordpress.com
Background Music: Dan Hartman | Instant Replay (Replayed Version) (A Tom Moulton Mix) | Blue Sky 12"
Set 2
Venus Dodson | He Said, She Said | Pale Rider | RFC
Eloise Laws | Put A Little Love In To It (12" version) | Love Factory: The Invictus Sessions | Sequel
Background Music: MFSB | Let's Clean Up The Ghetto | Philadelphia International 12"
Set 3
A.R. & Machines | Station 4: As If I Have Seen This All Before | Die Grüne Reise - The Green Journey | Polydor/lovefingers.org
The Third Man | This Pill | URP Vol. 3 | Intone
The Grodeck Whipperjenny | Evidence For The Existance Of The Unconscious | The Grodeck Whipperjenny | Radioactive
Jah Batta + Skatee | Style & Fashion | Dynamite! NYC | Soul Jazz
Somerville Speakout 1: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Set 4
Chris Sutherland | Hey Justice | Worried Love | Peapod
Many Mansions | Spirit Song 3 | Return to Source! | s/r
Reigns | Vaulted The House On the Causeway | Monotreme
Maria Bethania | Mariana | Pulcoi Iluminado | Philips
Somerville Speakout 2: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Set 5
Tal'90 | Tal | Pop Ambient 2002 | Kompakt
Riceboy Sleeps | Happiness | Dark Was the Night | 4AD
Duane Pitre | For Microtonal & Mallets | Spectra | quietdesign
Sala-Arhimo | Luominen Jatkuu | Sala-Arhimo | Last Visible Dog
Headdress | Spirit Canyon Medicine Song | Turqoise | Mexican Summer/Kemado/emusic.com
Somerville Speakout 2: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Set 6
McIntosh & Edwards | Take A Stand | Fight On, Your Time Ain't Long | Mississippi
Rev. Utah Smith | Two Wings & Every Man's Got To Lay Down | Two Wings | CaseQuarter
Sensational Nightengales | Morning Train | The Best Of | MCA
Nancy Wilson | The Long & Winding Road | Now I'm A Woman | Capitol
Islaja | Laivat Saapuu (mix) | Maan Mossett | emusic.com
Klaus Nomi | Keys of Life | Eclipsed | Raxor & Tie
Set 7
Jean Ritchie | Child Ballads | Folkways
Banda Los Hijos De La Nina Luz | El Sapo/Crees Que Soy Sexy | Soundway 7"
Los Montuneros y Bimbi y Su Trio Oriental | Cuido ... Con Los Callos | A Bailar La Conga | emusic.com
Okyerema Asante | Play A Little Sweet Rhythm On Them Drums | Drum Message | myfavouritesound.wordpress.com
Background Music: Dan Hartman | Instant Replay (Replayed Version) (A Tom Moulton Mix) | Blue Sky 12"
Set 2
Venus Dodson | He Said, She Said | Pale Rider | RFC
Eloise Laws | Put A Little Love In To It (12" version) | Love Factory: The Invictus Sessions | Sequel
Background Music: MFSB | Let's Clean Up The Ghetto | Philadelphia International 12"
Set 3
A.R. & Machines | Station 4: As If I Have Seen This All Before | Die Grüne Reise - The Green Journey | Polydor/lovefingers.org
The Third Man | This Pill | URP Vol. 3 | Intone
The Grodeck Whipperjenny | Evidence For The Existance Of The Unconscious | The Grodeck Whipperjenny | Radioactive
Jah Batta + Skatee | Style & Fashion | Dynamite! NYC | Soul Jazz
Somerville Speakout 1: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Set 4
Chris Sutherland | Hey Justice | Worried Love | Peapod
Many Mansions | Spirit Song 3 | Return to Source! | s/r
Reigns | Vaulted The House On the Causeway | Monotreme
Maria Bethania | Mariana | Pulcoi Iluminado | Philips
Somerville Speakout 2: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Set 5
Tal'90 | Tal | Pop Ambient 2002 | Kompakt
Riceboy Sleeps | Happiness | Dark Was the Night | 4AD
Duane Pitre | For Microtonal & Mallets | Spectra | quietdesign
Sala-Arhimo | Luominen Jatkuu | Sala-Arhimo | Last Visible Dog
Headdress | Spirit Canyon Medicine Song | Turqoise | Mexican Summer/Kemado/emusic.com
Somerville Speakout 2: Bert Kaempfert | To the Good Life | MCA
Set 6
McIntosh & Edwards | Take A Stand | Fight On, Your Time Ain't Long | Mississippi
Rev. Utah Smith | Two Wings & Every Man's Got To Lay Down | Two Wings | CaseQuarter
Sensational Nightengales | Morning Train | The Best Of | MCA
Nancy Wilson | The Long & Winding Road | Now I'm A Woman | Capitol
Islaja | Laivat Saapuu (mix) | Maan Mossett | emusic.com
Klaus Nomi | Keys of Life | Eclipsed | Raxor & Tie
Set 7
Jean Ritchie | Child Ballads | Folkways
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009 (Wish I Were Here)
Set 1
The Night People | Inflation | TSOB 12"/emusic.com
Unlimited Touch | Love Explosion | Yes, We're Ready | Prelude
Bob Esty | Cunga | Roller Disco | Casablanca
Roedlious/Cluster | Prothese | Water
Dam Funk | Let's Take Off (Far Away) | Stones Throw 12"
Sugar Minott | Herbman Hustling | Herbman Hustling | Black Roots
The Originals | You Are a Blessing To Me | Down To Love Town | Motown
Tommy McCook & the Upsetters | Dub Organiser | Trojan 10"
Background Music: Freddy Robinson | The Coming Atlantis | Pacific Jazz
Set 2
Super Minerals | Multitudes | Multitudes | Digitalis/emusic.com
Sun Araw | Side B | Boat Trip | Woodsist
Crawling Chaos | Mongolian Steak Bar | Homonculus Equinox | LTM
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 3
The Memory Band | To Make You Stay | Migrating Bird | Honest Jons
Dim Dim | Rank | Whip | Audio Dregs
Lou Harrison | Philemon & Baukis | Gamelan Music | Music Masters/emusic.com
Jamie Brockett | St. Botolph St. Grey Morning Dulcimer Thing | Remember the Wind and the Rain | Oracle
Concert Report Music: Steelband Spectacular
Set 4
Scuba |
Black Ellen Barker | Take Me Back
The Night People | Inflation | TSOB 12"/emusic.com
Unlimited Touch | Love Explosion | Yes, We're Ready | Prelude
Bob Esty | Cunga | Roller Disco | Casablanca
Roedlious/Cluster | Prothese | Water
Dam Funk | Let's Take Off (Far Away) | Stones Throw 12"
Sugar Minott | Herbman Hustling | Herbman Hustling | Black Roots
The Originals | You Are a Blessing To Me | Down To Love Town | Motown
Tommy McCook & the Upsetters | Dub Organiser | Trojan 10"
Background Music: Freddy Robinson | The Coming Atlantis | Pacific Jazz
Set 2
Super Minerals | Multitudes | Multitudes | Digitalis/emusic.com
Sun Araw | Side B | Boat Trip | Woodsist
Crawling Chaos | Mongolian Steak Bar | Homonculus Equinox | LTM
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 3
The Memory Band | To Make You Stay | Migrating Bird | Honest Jons
Dim Dim | Rank | Whip | Audio Dregs
Lou Harrison | Philemon & Baukis | Gamelan Music | Music Masters/emusic.com
Jamie Brockett | St. Botolph St. Grey Morning Dulcimer Thing | Remember the Wind and the Rain | Oracle
Concert Report Music: Steelband Spectacular
Set 4
Scuba |
Black Ellen Barker | Take Me Back
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009 (The Renderers Live in the studio)
Set 1
Miriam Makeba | For What Its Worth | Keep Me In Mind | emusic.com
Leon Thomas | Umbo Weti | Live in Berlin | Flying Dutchman
Jerome Cooper Quintet | Moments | Outer & Interactions | About Time
Lindsey Woolsey | Song for Thirza | Migrating Birds: Songs of Lal Waterson | Honest Jons
Elodie Lauten | Prelude | Death of Don Juan | Unseen Worlds
Arborea | Look Down Fair Moon | House of Sticks | February 23
Apse | The Crowned | Spirit | ATP
Peter Wright | Sunrise in Turbine Hall | Red Light | emusic.com
Orchestra Trenza Senza | Malicious Flattery is Finally Disclosed | Fabula | emusic.com
The Renderers live in studio
2. deep hole
3. wierder
4. deep deep sea
6. Supernova
7. Typhoid Mary
8. Down River
Set 3
The Distributors | TV Eye | Hicks From the Sticks | Polydor
Liechtenstein | Stalking Skills | Album | mp3
Silent Land Time Machine | I Shouldnt Be in School | @hope Still | Time-Lag
Geisterfahrer | Dewsettle | The Quiet Fallings Of Geisterfahrer | Backporch Revolution
Abdel Hadi Halo & The El Gusto Orchestra of Algiers | Min Yaati Kalbou Lil Melah | s/t | Honest Jon's
Miriam Makeba | For What Its Worth | Keep Me In Mind | emusic.com
Leon Thomas | Umbo Weti | Live in Berlin | Flying Dutchman
Jerome Cooper Quintet | Moments | Outer & Interactions | About Time
Lindsey Woolsey | Song for Thirza | Migrating Birds: Songs of Lal Waterson | Honest Jons
Elodie Lauten | Prelude | Death of Don Juan | Unseen Worlds
Arborea | Look Down Fair Moon | House of Sticks | February 23
Apse | The Crowned | Spirit | ATP
Peter Wright | Sunrise in Turbine Hall | Red Light | emusic.com
Orchestra Trenza Senza | Malicious Flattery is Finally Disclosed | Fabula | emusic.com
The Renderers live in studio
2. deep hole
3. wierder
4. deep deep sea
6. Supernova
7. Typhoid Mary
8. Down River
Set 3
The Distributors | TV Eye | Hicks From the Sticks | Polydor
Liechtenstein | Stalking Skills | Album | mp3
Silent Land Time Machine | I Shouldnt Be in School | @hope Still | Time-Lag
Geisterfahrer | Dewsettle | The Quiet Fallings Of Geisterfahrer | Backporch Revolution
Abdel Hadi Halo & The El Gusto Orchestra of Algiers | Min Yaati Kalbou Lil Melah | s/t | Honest Jon's
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009 (Nationalize This!)
Set 1
Della Reese | Who is She & What Is She To You? | Let Me In Your Life | Della Reese
Yusef Lateef | Robot Man | Autophysiopsychic | CTI
Slick | I Can Understand It | Go For It | Fantasy
Blanche Carter | Straight Down To the Bone (Vocal) | TSOB/emusic.com
2000F + J Kamata | You Don't Know What Love Is | hyperdub/emusic.com
Gregory Isaacs | You'll Never Know + Version | Sly & Robbie Present Gregory Isaacs |
Background Music: Average Disco Band | Music of the Beatles Go Disco | H&L Records
Set 2
Elodie Lauten | Death As Shadow | The Death Of Don Juan | Unseen Worlds
Mokira | Ode to the Ode to the Street Hassle | Persona | Type
Language of Light | The Tower | Dark Holler 7-inch
Mark Templeton & Aa Munson | This Will Pass | Acre Loss |
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 3
Mi Ami | Freed From Sin | Watersports | Touch & Go
Renderers | Planet of Pain | That Dog's Head in the Gutter Gives Off Vibrations | Ajax
Telepathe | Trilogy: Breath of Life, Crimes & Killings, Threads & Knives | Dance Mother | Iamsound
tUne-yArds | News | "BiRd-BrAINS" | Marriage
Sensational Nightengales | I Want to Go | The Best Of | MCA
Concert Report Music: Steelband Spectacular | Columbia
Set 4
Trio Mocoto | Swinga Sambaby
Blackdown | Con/Fusion |
Climax Golden Twins | Double Asshole Town | Journal of Popular Noise http://www.popularnoise.net/ emusic.com
Set 5
Lee Scratch Perry/Upsetters | Silver Locks | Chapter 2
Della Reese | Who is She & What Is She To You? | Let Me In Your Life | Della Reese
Yusef Lateef | Robot Man | Autophysiopsychic | CTI
Slick | I Can Understand It | Go For It | Fantasy
Blanche Carter | Straight Down To the Bone (Vocal) | TSOB/emusic.com
2000F + J Kamata | You Don't Know What Love Is | hyperdub/emusic.com
Gregory Isaacs | You'll Never Know + Version | Sly & Robbie Present Gregory Isaacs |
Background Music: Average Disco Band | Music of the Beatles Go Disco | H&L Records
Set 2
Elodie Lauten | Death As Shadow | The Death Of Don Juan | Unseen Worlds
Mokira | Ode to the Ode to the Street Hassle | Persona | Type
Language of Light | The Tower | Dark Holler 7-inch
Mark Templeton & Aa Munson | This Will Pass | Acre Loss |
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 3
Mi Ami | Freed From Sin | Watersports | Touch & Go
Renderers | Planet of Pain | That Dog's Head in the Gutter Gives Off Vibrations | Ajax
Telepathe | Trilogy: Breath of Life, Crimes & Killings, Threads & Knives | Dance Mother | Iamsound
tUne-yArds | News | "BiRd-BrAINS" | Marriage
Sensational Nightengales | I Want to Go | The Best Of | MCA
Concert Report Music: Steelband Spectacular | Columbia
Set 4
Trio Mocoto | Swinga Sambaby
Blackdown | Con/Fusion |
Climax Golden Twins | Double Asshole Town | Journal of Popular Noise http://www.popularnoise.net/ emusic.com
Set 5
Lee Scratch Perry/Upsetters | Silver Locks | Chapter 2
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009 (Old Furnace Live Recording)
Set 1
Jill Kroesen | Bum | Chicago '82 - A Walk In The Lake | ubuweb.com
Har-You Percussion Group | Santa Cruz | Sounds of the Ghetto Youth | ESP
Alo...Alo...Tai Carmen Miranda | Desfile, Carnaval Avenida
Alan Hawkshaw + Brian Bennett | Auto-Pilot | Synthesizer & Percussion | mp3
Daedelus | Sawtooth EKG | Denies the Day's Demise | Ninjatune
David Hudson | Pump It | Alston 12"
Archie Bell & the Drells | Everybody Have A Good Time | Disco Showdown | Philadelphia Collection
Carlton Patterson & King Tubby | Black Lash | Black & White In Dub | Hot Pot
Background Music: Herbie Koch | Bells of Stone Mountain Vol. II
Set 2
Old Furnace | Live @ WMBR, 2/14/09 (engineered by Kyle Bittinger)
Somerville Speakout | Music the Bert Kaempfert Way
Set 3
Ralph White | New Games | Spirit of Orr
Alela Diane | Lady Divine | To Be Still | Rough Trade
Trees | Sally Free & Easy | On the Shore | Sunbeam
Concert Report Music: Steelband Spectacular | Columbia
Set 4
Old Furnace | Live @ WMBR, 2/14/09 (engineered by Kyle Bittinger)
This is your brain on speakout
Jill Kroesen | Bum | Chicago '82 - A Walk In The Lake | ubuweb.com
Har-You Percussion Group | Santa Cruz | Sounds of the Ghetto Youth | ESP
Alo...Alo...Tai Carmen Miranda | Desfile, Carnaval Avenida
Alan Hawkshaw + Brian Bennett | Auto-Pilot | Synthesizer & Percussion | mp3
Daedelus | Sawtooth EKG | Denies the Day's Demise | Ninjatune
David Hudson | Pump It | Alston 12"
Archie Bell & the Drells | Everybody Have A Good Time | Disco Showdown | Philadelphia Collection
Carlton Patterson & King Tubby | Black Lash | Black & White In Dub | Hot Pot
Background Music: Herbie Koch | Bells of Stone Mountain Vol. II
Set 2
Old Furnace | Live @ WMBR, 2/14/09 (engineered by Kyle Bittinger)
Somerville Speakout | Music the Bert Kaempfert Way
Set 3
Ralph White | New Games | Spirit of Orr
Alela Diane | Lady Divine | To Be Still | Rough Trade
Trees | Sally Free & Easy | On the Shore | Sunbeam
Concert Report Music: Steelband Spectacular | Columbia
Set 4
Old Furnace | Live @ WMBR, 2/14/09 (engineered by Kyle Bittinger)
This is your brain on speakout

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009 (Aural Stimulation for Your Valentine's Day)
Set 1
Nikki Giovanni | Tommy's Mommy | Folkways/emusic.com
Boyd Rice + Daniel Miller | Cleanliness & Order | Darker Skracher | thethingonthedoorstep.blogspot.com
Ani Marie | Wir Sin Zufriedan
Dam Funk | Silver | Rhythm Trax D-F | Stones Throw
Alan Hawkshaw + Brian Bennett | Pacesetter | Synthesizer & Percussion
Hank Crawford | Sugar Free | I Hear A Symphony | Kudu
Set 2
Rocky Mizell & Sugar Rock Band | Take It Easy Babe | Rocky Mizell & Sugar Rock Band
Sugarhill Gang | Passion Play | Strange Things & Funky Games II | BBE
Goody Goody | It Looks Like Love | s/t | Atlantic
Background Music: Enoch Light & The Command All-Stars | Persuasive Percussion Vol. 4 | Command
Set 3
Baba Yaga | Sparrow | myspace.com/thisisbabayaga
Vetiver | At Forest Edge | Tight Knit | Sub Pop
Celso Fonseca | Vento Azul | Waves |WEA
Antony + Bryce Dessner | I Was Young When I Left Home | Dark Was the Night | 4AD
Ollie Gilbert | Who Killed Poor Round Robin? | Art of Field Recording Vol. 1 | Dust-to-Digital
Jessica Constable + Phillipe Gelda | Box | Vine & Vein Collection
Georgia Lee | Downunder Blues | Buried Country: The Story of Aboriginal Country | mp3
Cotton Candy | Invisible Kisses | Teenbeat
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfer | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 4
These Are Powers | Life of Bird | digital.othermusic.com
Glasser | Apply | emusic.com
Filastine | Blung | Dirty Bomb | Agriculture
Rakoon | Barry | Dub Warrior | emusic.com
U-Brown | Black Princess (Disco Mix) | Repatriation | emusic.com
Set 5
Smokey | Don't Turn Out the Light | MCA
Susan Christie | No One Can Hear You Cry | Painted Ladt | B-Music
Eula Cooper | I Need You More | Eccentric Soul: Tragar & Note labels
Marcos Valle | Ele e Ela | s/t | loronix.blogspot.com
Nikki Giovanni | Tommy's Mommy | Folkways/emusic.com
Boyd Rice + Daniel Miller | Cleanliness & Order | Darker Skracher | thethingonthedoorstep.blogspot.com
Ani Marie | Wir Sin Zufriedan
Dam Funk | Silver | Rhythm Trax D-F | Stones Throw
Alan Hawkshaw + Brian Bennett | Pacesetter | Synthesizer & Percussion
Hank Crawford | Sugar Free | I Hear A Symphony | Kudu
Set 2
Rocky Mizell & Sugar Rock Band | Take It Easy Babe | Rocky Mizell & Sugar Rock Band
Sugarhill Gang | Passion Play | Strange Things & Funky Games II | BBE
Goody Goody | It Looks Like Love | s/t | Atlantic
Background Music: Enoch Light & The Command All-Stars | Persuasive Percussion Vol. 4 | Command
Set 3
Baba Yaga | Sparrow | myspace.com/thisisbabayaga
Vetiver | At Forest Edge | Tight Knit | Sub Pop
Celso Fonseca | Vento Azul | Waves |WEA
Antony + Bryce Dessner | I Was Young When I Left Home | Dark Was the Night | 4AD
Ollie Gilbert | Who Killed Poor Round Robin? | Art of Field Recording Vol. 1 | Dust-to-Digital
Jessica Constable + Phillipe Gelda | Box | Vine & Vein Collection
Georgia Lee | Downunder Blues | Buried Country: The Story of Aboriginal Country | mp3
Cotton Candy | Invisible Kisses | Teenbeat
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfer | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 4
These Are Powers | Life of Bird | digital.othermusic.com
Glasser | Apply | emusic.com
Filastine | Blung | Dirty Bomb | Agriculture
Rakoon | Barry | Dub Warrior | emusic.com
U-Brown | Black Princess (Disco Mix) | Repatriation | emusic.com
Set 5
Smokey | Don't Turn Out the Light | MCA
Susan Christie | No One Can Hear You Cry | Painted Ladt | B-Music
Eula Cooper | I Need You More | Eccentric Soul: Tragar & Note labels
Marcos Valle | Ele e Ela | s/t | loronix.blogspot.com
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Saturday, Febryary 7, 2008 (Bi-Curious Stimulation)
Set 1
Harmonizing Four | God Will Take Care of You | crudcrud.blogspot.com
Nikki Giovanni | Ego Tripping | Fly Girls! | Soul Jazz
Sarah Webster Fabio | Work It Out | Boss Soul | Folkways/emusic.com
Queen Constance Band | The Freak | University Dances of 1978 | P&P
Beyonce | Single Ladies Remix (w Nicki Manaj) | thefader.com
Biddu & the Orchestra | King Kong | Eastern Man | Epic
Foxy | Give Me A Break | TK Disco 12"
Set 2
Class | Get Your Chic Together | TK Disco 12"
Hott City | If All We're Gonna Do Is Dance | Ain't Love Grand | Butterfly
Jean Carn | Was That All It Was | When I Find Your Love | Philadelphia Intl
Mickey Dread | Headline News | African Anthem Deluxe | emusic.com
Background Music: Junior Mance | With A Whole Lotta Help From My Friends | Atlantic
Set 3
John Martyn | Outside In | Inside Out | Island/lovefingers.org
Glenn Jones | live @ WMBR
Michael Chapman | Andru's Easy Rider | Fully Qualified Survivor
Tom James Scott | Crane In the North | School & Rivers | Bo'Weavil
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 4
Intrusion | A Night To Remember | The Seduction of Silence | Echospace
Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words | The Things I Have Destroyed | Old Ghosts, New Ghosts, All Ghosts | emusic.com
Jacob Kirkeggard | Church | 4 Rooms | Touch
Buster Williams | Betcha By Golly Wow | Dreams Come True
Carmen McRae | I Got It Bad & That Ain't Good | The Sound of Silence | Atlantic
Concert Report Music: Westband Steel Band | Sound of the Sun | Nonesuch
Set 5
High Places | live on dublab | dublab.com
Mala | Miracles | Rinse
Mafia + Fluxy + Matic Horns | Gwaan Dub in the Morning | Edens Rade Riddim (ii Ep 03) | emusic.com
Background Music: Ramsey Lewis | Solar Wind | Columbia
Set 6
Spiritual Singers | Weya Tsumu Ma | Ntsamina | Mississippi
Section 25 | Be Brave | Always Now | Factory
Ex-Cocaine | Black Cat Lament | Not Not Fun
O Level | Sometimes Good Guys Don't Follow Trends | 1977-80 | Cherry Red
Harmonizing Four | God Will Take Care of You | crudcrud.blogspot.com
Nikki Giovanni | Ego Tripping | Fly Girls! | Soul Jazz
Sarah Webster Fabio | Work It Out | Boss Soul | Folkways/emusic.com
Queen Constance Band | The Freak | University Dances of 1978 | P&P
Beyonce | Single Ladies Remix (w Nicki Manaj) | thefader.com
Biddu & the Orchestra | King Kong | Eastern Man | Epic
Foxy | Give Me A Break | TK Disco 12"
Set 2
Class | Get Your Chic Together | TK Disco 12"
Hott City | If All We're Gonna Do Is Dance | Ain't Love Grand | Butterfly
Jean Carn | Was That All It Was | When I Find Your Love | Philadelphia Intl
Mickey Dread | Headline News | African Anthem Deluxe | emusic.com
Background Music: Junior Mance | With A Whole Lotta Help From My Friends | Atlantic
Set 3
John Martyn | Outside In | Inside Out | Island/lovefingers.org
Glenn Jones | live @ WMBR
Michael Chapman | Andru's Easy Rider | Fully Qualified Survivor
Tom James Scott | Crane In the North | School & Rivers | Bo'Weavil
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 4
Intrusion | A Night To Remember | The Seduction of Silence | Echospace
Dead Letters Spell Out Dead Words | The Things I Have Destroyed | Old Ghosts, New Ghosts, All Ghosts | emusic.com
Jacob Kirkeggard | Church | 4 Rooms | Touch
Buster Williams | Betcha By Golly Wow | Dreams Come True
Carmen McRae | I Got It Bad & That Ain't Good | The Sound of Silence | Atlantic
Concert Report Music: Westband Steel Band | Sound of the Sun | Nonesuch
Set 5
High Places | live on dublab | dublab.com
Mala | Miracles | Rinse
Mafia + Fluxy + Matic Horns | Gwaan Dub in the Morning | Edens Rade Riddim (ii Ep 03) | emusic.com
Background Music: Ramsey Lewis | Solar Wind | Columbia
Set 6
Spiritual Singers | Weya Tsumu Ma | Ntsamina | Mississippi
Section 25 | Be Brave | Always Now | Factory
Ex-Cocaine | Black Cat Lament | Not Not Fun
O Level | Sometimes Good Guys Don't Follow Trends | 1977-80 | Cherry Red
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009 (Michael Steele in the hour of chaos)
Set 1
La lupe / guanguanco bembe / la lupe we reina!! / fania
Wilfredo Stephenson / am ensemble of salsa percussion / mp3
Baden Powell / variacoes sobre berimbau / Afro sambas
Voyage / point zero / "the best of" / unidisc
David Newman / groovin' to the music / mr. Fathead / warner bros.
Jackie mittoo / mash down babylon. / basic replay 12
Background: edmundo ros / hair goes Latin / phase 4
Set 2
Munir hussain / Ik rAnjha menoon / s/t / emi
Silent land time machine / contours of perfect distance / &hopestill / time lag
Sun araw / thoughts are bells / beach head / not not fun
Emeralds / quaking mess / solar bridge / hanson
With throats as fine as needles / untitled 01 / s/t / emusic.com
Sam hamilton / blue tide black water (pop edit) / dirt beneath the daydream / the wire.
Set 3
Afcgt / young spy
Airway / perpendicular thrust / darker skratcher / mp3
Toy killers / where do we get $ to save our children / the unlistenable years / ugexplode
Crawling chaos / DES
Unholy 2 / porky's / kutter / cdr
Set 4
Scrugg bros /little maggie | Randy & Gary Scruggs | Vanguard
Rosyln kind / fool on the hill / RCA
Roy harper / forever / Valentine
Herman / I man / Aquarious Rock
Set 1
La lupe / guanguanco bembe / la lupe we reina!! / fania
Wilfredo Stephenson / am ensemble of salsa percussion / mp3
Baden Powell / variacoes sobre berimbau / Afro sambas
Voyage / point zero / "the best of" / unidisc
David Newman / groovin' to the music / mr. Fathead / warner bros.
Jackie mittoo / mash down babylon. / basic replay 12
Background: edmundo ros / hair goes Latin / phase 4
Set 2
Munir hussain / Ik rAnjha menoon / s/t / emi
Silent land time machine / contours of perfect distance / &hopestill / time lag
Sun araw / thoughts are bells / beach head / not not fun
Emeralds / quaking mess / solar bridge / hanson
With throats as fine as needles / untitled 01 / s/t / emusic.com
Sam hamilton / blue tide black water (pop edit) / dirt beneath the daydream / the wire.
Set 3
Afcgt / young spy
Airway / perpendicular thrust / darker skratcher / mp3
Toy killers / where do we get $ to save our children / the unlistenable years / ugexplode
Crawling chaos / DES
Unholy 2 / porky's / kutter / cdr
Set 4
Scrugg bros /little maggie | Randy & Gary Scruggs | Vanguard
Rosyln kind / fool on the hill / RCA
Roy harper / forever / Valentine
Herman / I man / Aquarious Rock
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009 (Don't Stop This Feeling) (RIP David Newman)
Set 1
Roy Ayers | Don't Stop The Feeling | No Stranger To Love | Polydor
Jean Matthew | Keep On Rolling | Unidisc 12"
Herman Kelly | Who's the Funky DJ? | Percussion Explosion | Electric Cat
Set 2
Robin Jones Seven | Batucada da Vida | s/t
Pam Todd & Gold Buillon Band | Makin Love | Together
Shorty the President | Dash It Rubber Dub Style | High Ranking | s/t
Background music: Richard Hayman & His Orchestra | Havana in Hi-Fi |Mercury
Set 3
David Fathead Newman | For Sylvia | Bigger & Better | Atlantic
Bobby Hutcherson | Procession | San Francisco | Blue Note
Human Greed | Gloaming | Black Hill: Midnight at the Blighted Star | Lumberton Trading
Fabio Orsi | Shining Love | Audio For Lovers | Last Visible Dog
Liz Christine | Dreaming | 4 Women No Cry Vol. 3 | Monika
Somerville Speakout music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 4
Grace Jones | Cradle to the Grave (Tricky Remix) |
Tony Esposito | Procession Sul Mare | Dirty Space Disco | Tigersushi
Madlib | Main Inspiration (Coltrane) Beat | Stones
Luke Envoy | so | Tempa 12"
Fat Boys | Stick 'em | s/t | Sutra
Claudette Soares | Manceda | Gil-Chico-Velosso pour Claudette Soares | loronix.blogspot.com
Concert Report music: Subjet Serenade Steelband | Steelband Spectacular | Columbia
Set 5
Asqak Maboul | Modern Lesson | Un Peu De L'Ame Des Bandits | Crammed
Muslimgauze | Mumbai Vibe Garden | Fakir Sind | emusic.com
Bonus Set
Zomby | Float | Where Were You in 92? | Werk
Sophisticated Bad Boyz | All Junglist & Junglette | Ultimate Jungle Collection Vol. 1
Mike Ink | Silver | Studio 1 | Kompakt
Roy Ayers | Don't Stop The Feeling | No Stranger To Love | Polydor
Jean Matthew | Keep On Rolling | Unidisc 12"
Herman Kelly | Who's the Funky DJ? | Percussion Explosion | Electric Cat
Set 2
Robin Jones Seven | Batucada da Vida | s/t
Pam Todd & Gold Buillon Band | Makin Love | Together
Shorty the President | Dash It Rubber Dub Style | High Ranking | s/t
Background music: Richard Hayman & His Orchestra | Havana in Hi-Fi |Mercury
Set 3
David Fathead Newman | For Sylvia | Bigger & Better | Atlantic
Bobby Hutcherson | Procession | San Francisco | Blue Note
Human Greed | Gloaming | Black Hill: Midnight at the Blighted Star | Lumberton Trading
Fabio Orsi | Shining Love | Audio For Lovers | Last Visible Dog
Liz Christine | Dreaming | 4 Women No Cry Vol. 3 | Monika
Somerville Speakout music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 4
Grace Jones | Cradle to the Grave (Tricky Remix) |
Tony Esposito | Procession Sul Mare | Dirty Space Disco | Tigersushi
Madlib | Main Inspiration (Coltrane) Beat | Stones
Luke Envoy | so | Tempa 12"
Fat Boys | Stick 'em | s/t | Sutra
Claudette Soares | Manceda | Gil-Chico-Velosso pour Claudette Soares | loronix.blogspot.com
Concert Report music: Subjet Serenade Steelband | Steelband Spectacular | Columbia
Set 5
Asqak Maboul | Modern Lesson | Un Peu De L'Ame Des Bandits | Crammed
Muslimgauze | Mumbai Vibe Garden | Fakir Sind | emusic.com
Bonus Set
Zomby | Float | Where Were You in 92? | Werk
Sophisticated Bad Boyz | All Junglist & Junglette | Ultimate Jungle Collection Vol. 1
Mike Ink | Silver | Studio 1 | Kompakt
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009 (Blues Control live recording + Fresh Squeezed Disco Juice)
Set 1
Aquarian Dream | Disco Juice | Chance to Dance | Elektra
Mighty Dub Katz | It's Just Another Groove (I Think That We Should Get Back Together) | Sm:)e cd-5
Cloud One | Disco Juice (re-edit) | Super Disco | P&P
DJ Blaq Starr | Shake It To The Ground (a capella)| Mad Decent/emusic.com
Geeneus | In To The Future | Rinse 12"
Ku Bo | Tindao | Man Recordings
Early B | Deaf Ears | Dancehall | Soul Jazz Records
Adopted | Morning Star | Wackies 12"
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 2
Blues Control | recorded live by engineer Mike Reed 1/2009 [myspace.com/bluescontrol]
Set 3
Misty Roses | Mario & Dario | Otto; Or, Up With Dead People | Crippled Dick Hot Wax
Hush Arbors | Clothed With Sun | Under Bent Tree Limbs | Digitalis
Arborea | Rain | Arborea | s/r
Ethan Rose | Mighty Mighty | Oaks | Holcene
Old Furnace | My Past Was An Evil War | Hidden Hills | s/r
Background Music: Edmundo Ros & His Orchestra | Hair Goes Latin | London
Set 4
Bruce MacLean with Harvey Mangolds Vidor Diodes | Limpo-Risto-Pocho-Rocko | Live to Air | ubuweb.com
Aquarian Dream | Disco Juice | Chance to Dance | Elektra
Mighty Dub Katz | It's Just Another Groove (I Think That We Should Get Back Together) | Sm:)e cd-5
Cloud One | Disco Juice (re-edit) | Super Disco | P&P
DJ Blaq Starr | Shake It To The Ground (a capella)| Mad Decent/emusic.com
Geeneus | In To The Future | Rinse 12"
Ku Bo | Tindao | Man Recordings
Early B | Deaf Ears | Dancehall | Soul Jazz Records
Adopted | Morning Star | Wackies 12"
Somerville Speakout Music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 2
Blues Control | recorded live by engineer Mike Reed 1/2009 [myspace.com/bluescontrol]
Set 3
Misty Roses | Mario & Dario | Otto; Or, Up With Dead People | Crippled Dick Hot Wax
Hush Arbors | Clothed With Sun | Under Bent Tree Limbs | Digitalis
Arborea | Rain | Arborea | s/r
Ethan Rose | Mighty Mighty | Oaks | Holcene
Old Furnace | My Past Was An Evil War | Hidden Hills | s/r
Background Music: Edmundo Ros & His Orchestra | Hair Goes Latin | London
Set 4
Bruce MacLean with Harvey Mangolds Vidor Diodes | Limpo-Risto-Pocho-Rocko | Live to Air | ubuweb.com
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Pontoon Palace Playlist, Thursday, January 15, 2009 (RIP Patrick McGooghan, whoever you are!)
Preshow entertainment
Hey Lover | s/t | Hovercraft
Peter Wright | Approaching Low From the West | Red Lion | Digitalis/emusic.com
Theme: The Prisoner Theme
Set 1
Father Yod and the Spirit of 76-81 | mp3
Henry Flynt / Dharma Warriors | Warriors of the Dharma | s/t | Locust
Racoo-oo-ooon | Side A, Track 2 | s/t | Not Not Fun
Background Music: John Andrews Tartaglia | Tartaglian Theorem | Capitol
Set 2
Nazareth | Morning Dew | lovefingers.org
Don Lorusso | Lately She's Been taking To Crying |emusic.com
Colin Blunstone | lovefingers.org
Bill Quick | Take Me Away | Maravillosa Gente | Time-Lag
Background Music: John Andrews Tartaglia | Tartaglian Theorem | Capitol
Set 3
Trees | She Moved Thro' The Fair | Garden Of Jane Delwaney | Sunbeam
Arborea | Forewarned | s/t | Fire Museum
Larkin Grimm | They Were Wrong | s/t | Young God
Hush Arbors | Song For Morning To Sing | Under Bent Limb Trees | Digitalis/emusic.com
Franciscan Hobbes | The Happy Burial | Walls Are Stuck | emusic.com
Background Music: John Andrews Tartaglia | Tartaglian Theorem | Capitol
Set 4
Steve Hillage | Meditation of the Dragon | Live Herald | Virgin
Ex-Cocaine | Sun Before Rises | Esta Guerra | Siltbreeze/Killertree
Bobbie Gentry | Parchman Farm | Delta Sweete | Capitol
Herbie Mann | If I Was A Carpenter | Windows Opened | Atlantic
Byard Lancaster | Just Test | Funky Funky Rib Crib | mp3
Background Music: Get Carter soundtrack
Set 5
Meercaz | Nothing | Meercaz | Gulcher
Esther Phillips w/ Beck | Fever | Unforgettable | Kudu
Hey Lover | s/t | Hovercraft
Peter Wright | Approaching Low From the West | Red Lion | Digitalis/emusic.com
Theme: The Prisoner Theme
Set 1
Father Yod and the Spirit of 76-81 | mp3
Henry Flynt / Dharma Warriors | Warriors of the Dharma | s/t | Locust
Racoo-oo-ooon | Side A, Track 2 | s/t | Not Not Fun
Background Music: John Andrews Tartaglia | Tartaglian Theorem | Capitol
Set 2
Nazareth | Morning Dew | lovefingers.org
Don Lorusso | Lately She's Been taking To Crying |emusic.com
Colin Blunstone | lovefingers.org
Bill Quick | Take Me Away | Maravillosa Gente | Time-Lag
Background Music: John Andrews Tartaglia | Tartaglian Theorem | Capitol
Set 3
Trees | She Moved Thro' The Fair | Garden Of Jane Delwaney | Sunbeam
Arborea | Forewarned | s/t | Fire Museum
Larkin Grimm | They Were Wrong | s/t | Young God
Hush Arbors | Song For Morning To Sing | Under Bent Limb Trees | Digitalis/emusic.com
Franciscan Hobbes | The Happy Burial | Walls Are Stuck | emusic.com
Background Music: John Andrews Tartaglia | Tartaglian Theorem | Capitol
Set 4
Steve Hillage | Meditation of the Dragon | Live Herald | Virgin
Ex-Cocaine | Sun Before Rises | Esta Guerra | Siltbreeze/Killertree
Bobbie Gentry | Parchman Farm | Delta Sweete | Capitol
Herbie Mann | If I Was A Carpenter | Windows Opened | Atlantic
Byard Lancaster | Just Test | Funky Funky Rib Crib | mp3
Background Music: Get Carter soundtrack
Set 5
Meercaz | Nothing | Meercaz | Gulcher
Esther Phillips w/ Beck | Fever | Unforgettable | Kudu
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009 (Back In The Side Saddle Again!)
Set 1
Alan Licht | Bridget O'Reilly | ubuweb.com
(Added snippets of Creative Writing on Scholastic Records; An Easy Way To A More Dynamic Vocabulary on Scienta Records; D-Day Plus 20 on Columbia; & various Latter Day Saints MP3s from blog.wfmu.org)
Baker-Harris-Young | Touch Me While I'm Touching You | B-H-Y | Salsoul
The Twelves | Be My Crush [Juan MacLean B-LIVE Rio Mix] | http://rcrdlbl.com
Index | Starlight (The Break) | Beatelectric.com
Tirez Tirez | Under the Door | Another Side 12"
Shorty the President | Yamaha Skank | Yamaha Skank | http://youandmeonajamboree.blogspot.com/2009/01/rupie-edwards-friends-yamaha-skank-my.html
Somerville Speakout music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 2
Ex-Cocaine | With The With The When the One | Esta Guerra | Siltbreeze/killertree
Charlemagne Palestine | Excerpt from Carillion | Chicago '82 - A Dip in the Lake | Les Disques Du Crepescule
Lydia Lunch | Frankie Teardrop | Blast First Petite/emusic.com
Meercaz | She Piece | s/t | Gulcher / myspace.com/meercaz
Flin Flon | Coddles | Teenbeat No. 1 Record Label | Teenbeat
Concert Report Music:
Set 3
Amada De Jesus DeDeu Hernandez | Para Clave y Guaguanco | Imaginary Cuba | emusic.com
Trinity | Rasta Dub | Three Piece Suit | Joe Gibbs Productions
M-Beat | Style | The Ultimate Jungle Collection Vol. 1 |
Bill Laswell | Guerillo Heroico [El Che Vive!] | Imaginary Cuba | emusic.com
Los Graduados | Eso Es Colombia ... y ole | Zeida
Set 4
Edu Lobo | Toada | Limite Das Aguas | loronix.blogspot.com
Alan Licht | Bridget O'Reilly | ubuweb.com
(Added snippets of Creative Writing on Scholastic Records; An Easy Way To A More Dynamic Vocabulary on Scienta Records; D-Day Plus 20 on Columbia; & various Latter Day Saints MP3s from blog.wfmu.org)
Baker-Harris-Young | Touch Me While I'm Touching You | B-H-Y | Salsoul
The Twelves | Be My Crush [Juan MacLean B-LIVE Rio Mix] | http://rcrdlbl.com
Index | Starlight (The Break) | Beatelectric.com
Tirez Tirez | Under the Door | Another Side 12"
Shorty the President | Yamaha Skank | Yamaha Skank | http://youandmeonajamboree.blogspot.com/2009/01/rupie-edwards-friends-yamaha-skank-my.html
Somerville Speakout music: Bert Kaempfert | Warm & Wonderful | Decca
Set 2
Ex-Cocaine | With The With The When the One | Esta Guerra | Siltbreeze/killertree
Charlemagne Palestine | Excerpt from Carillion | Chicago '82 - A Dip in the Lake | Les Disques Du Crepescule
Lydia Lunch | Frankie Teardrop | Blast First Petite/emusic.com
Meercaz | She Piece | s/t | Gulcher / myspace.com/meercaz
Flin Flon | Coddles | Teenbeat No. 1 Record Label | Teenbeat
Concert Report Music:
Set 3
Amada De Jesus DeDeu Hernandez | Para Clave y Guaguanco | Imaginary Cuba | emusic.com
Trinity | Rasta Dub | Three Piece Suit | Joe Gibbs Productions
M-Beat | Style | The Ultimate Jungle Collection Vol. 1 |
Bill Laswell | Guerillo Heroico [El Che Vive!] | Imaginary Cuba | emusic.com
Los Graduados | Eso Es Colombia ... y ole | Zeida
Set 4
Edu Lobo | Toada | Limite Das Aguas | loronix.blogspot.com
Friday, January 09, 2009
Good God - Hometown edition
Found a X-ian 50s/60s or so record: Jim Armstrong Sings THE TENDER TOUCH. Jim lists his hometown as my (former) hometown Wendleton Road, Troy, MI.
It's less pious and inert than many religious records of its time and Jim sings a bit with a neutered Elvis swagger and a charming soft-rock-abilly touch.
Can anyone solve this mystery?
It's less pious and inert than many religious records of its time and Jim sings a bit with a neutered Elvis swagger and a charming soft-rock-abilly touch.
Can anyone solve this mystery?
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